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Looking towards the future: the SkiLocal Strategic Plan

It seems that cross country skiing is going to be very popular this year - equipment is selling out and lessons are filling up at record pace. We are really excited that so many new skiers will be on the tracks this year.

At SkiLocal, we want to focus on making cross country skiing accessible right out your door - and this seems more important than ever during the pandemic. Cross country skiing is a great way to get out there, have fun and meet your neighbours in a physically distanced way.

In the spring, the SkiLocal executive put together our first multi-year strategic plan for the organization. The goal of this Strategic Plan was primarily to survey current trail users and put together a series of action items for 2020-2022 that would both improve trail users' experience and help continue building community in SW Edmonton neighbourhoods. We would like to share this Strategic Plan with you, in the hopes of building our organization and getting your feedback. Please click here to read a copy of our Strategic Plan.